ラップジャパン株式会社(旧社名 ラップマスタージャパン㈱)

In today's technologically advanced world, there are a growing number of applications where conventional machining techniques just are not accurate enough to meet precision finishing requirement. Loose abrasive processing, atechnology developed and refined by Lapmaster International over the past 66 years, can often be the answer.

However, it takes more than the technology alone to produce precision finishing specifications.
It takes a company with extensive knowledge and experience with a broad range of materials and applications. A company capable of creating customized, turnkey precision finishing solutions utilizing the latest conventional and super abrasive techniques. It takes Lapmaster International, your partner in precision funishing technology.


  • 2014/05/30   "Lapmaster Japan" opened Corporate Site.


ラップジャパン株式会社(旧社名 ラップマスタージャパン㈱)

〒101-0025 東京都千代田区神田佐久間町2-13 FTビル5階
TEL:03-3863-6617 FAX:03-3863-6607


Copyright © 2014 ラップジャパン株式会社 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.